Book Description
Secondhand. Near fine condition.
From the early days of British settlement, Western Australians have sought to insure against the costs of health care. Building on the tradition of friendly societies and early hospital schemes, the Metropolitan Hospitals Benefit Fund was founded in 1941. It later became The Hospital Benefit Fund of Western Australia (Inc.) or as it is commonly known, HBF.
In Are you with HBF?, Sue Grahm-Taylor examines the operation of the health insurance fund from its inception to the present. A thoroughly researched account, it delves into the history of HBF as it adjusted to the sometimes conflicting demands of its contributors and successive governments.
The book offers a unique insight into the ongoing battle to achieve a balance between public and private health insurance, and how even in the face of a volatile health market. HBF maintains its position as the leading private health insurer in WA.
Graham-Taylor also brings to life the human side of the large and successful organisation. It is an illuminating record of an institution, always dedicated to providing a high standard of service, which continues to play an important part in the lives of Western Australians today. (book flap)